Organizations and individuals are joining USACBI’s call to Stop Israel’s Dance of Death: Boycott Batsheva Dance Company’s 2025 US Tour!
Check out the call to action or endorse below:
The Batsheva Dance Company is launching a 2025 US tour in multiple US cities. Join the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel to boycott and protest the tour:
As with any picket line, we must WALK THIS PICKET LINE, not cross it. The Tel Aviv-based Batsheva Dance Company takes pride in considering itself “Israel’s leading Ambassador” – a cynical cover for its attempt to artwash the Israeli occupation of historic Palestine.
The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), launched in 2004 and modelled after the anti-Apartheid South Africa campaign of the 1980s, calls the world community to uphold the comprehensive BOYCOTT of all cultural and academic institutions funded by the “state” of Israel. As one such institution, Batsheva Dance Company is structurally complicit in Israel’s current campaign of death in Gaza and the West Bank.
USACBI refuses to condone the artwashing of Israeli genocide, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing. We therefore call for a BOYCOTT of Batsheva’s 2025 U.S. tour, in this way standing with the Palestinian people in their unwavering struggle for justice, liberation, and full and equal rights. Free Palestine!!
Organizational Endorsers
14 Friends of Palestine, Marin
Arab Theatre Group
Christine Argillet Gallery
co-rosh yeshiva of Yeshivat Gadol v’Kadosh
CUNY Faculty and Staff for Justice in Palestine
CUNY For Palestine
Festival of Latin American Contemporary Choreographers
Free Palestine Movement
from the river to the sea collective
JOTA – Taller de Arte
JVP Central Ohio
Palestine House
Palestine Solidarity Working Group (PSWG)
Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice
Sound Heart Integrative Counseling
Teaching Palestine: Pedagogical Praxis and the Indivisibility of Justice
Individual Endorsers
Liz Aaronsohn
Rabab Abdulhadi, Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies, San Francisco State University
Malek Abisaab, CC4P
Nasser Abourahme
Diane Adkin
Naeem Afzal
Mohammed Alghool
Elana Auerbach, Writer
Russell Bates
Jos Beckers
G Beeferman
Jonathan Beller, Professor of Media Studies, Pratt Institute
Anna Berg
Khaled Berrouane
Paolo Biagi, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia
Anne Bowers
Larry Brockelbank, retired high school teacher
Karin Brothers, GTA4BDS
Tura Campanella Cook
Sam Choukeir
Craig Clark
Marvin Cohen, Rossmoor Voices for Justice in Palestine
Jane Collier
Illinois Cook
Greysonne Coomes
Linda Cooper
Don Costantino
Anne Craig
Bruce Cratty
Elyse Crystall, UNC-Chapel Hill
Gwyneth Daniel, UK Palestine Mental Health network
Linval DePass, JVP
Michael G. Dietrich, Swiss-Palestine Society
Deborah Dueñas, Beyt Tikkun Synagogue
Anne Elliott
Omar Elmukhtar, Culinary
Julie Enslow, Peace Action Wisconsin
Ruth Fallenbaum
Nilmini Ferno, Academic
Alexei Folger, Jewish Voice for Peace (for identification only)
Cheryl Davila, Former Councilmember, Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force
Manzar Foroohar
Pedro Fuentes
Patrick Furey
Johnny Gagnon
Keya Ganguly, Professor
Laura Garcia
Burhan Ghanayem
Nalini Ghuman, Musician/Music Professor
Terri Ginsberg
Mireille Gleizes, Pianist
Andrew Paul Gutierrez, professor
Joan Hartery
Jenny Heinz
Antisar Hlil
Jamila Horabin
Mahmood Akhtar Hossein
S Jahangeer, Research Scientist
Jake Javanshir, Canadian Unitarian for Social Justice
Erik Karlström
Ghada Karmi, Writer
Linda Kateeb
Jalal Kawash
Elaine H Kim, Professor Emerita UC Berkeley Ethnic Studies
Elaine Marie Kinch, Racine Coalition for Peace & Justice
Elena Klaver, Certified Spanish interpreter
Pete Klosterman
Felix Salvador Kury, Félix Salvador Kury, Program Director & Founder, Clínica Martín-Baró Lecturer Emeritus, San Francisco State University
Marian Larsen
Arnold Lane Leckman, Jewsih Voice for Peace Albuquerque
Yoojin Lee, Koreatown for Palestine
Roger Leisner, Augusta Women in Black
Alison Levy, Cultural Worker, JVP
Judith Lienhard
Brian Liu
Anthony Lombardy
Jim Loveland
Priscilla Lynch
Ali Mallah
Milo Matthews
Barry Maxwell
Mona Mayfield, Legal
Jane McArthur, Farmer
Linda Milazzo, CODEPINK & JVP
Mirna Miranda
Leila Mire, UC Berkeley
Brian Mitchell, United Auto Workers (UAW) retired
Connie Molbeck
Maria Morales
Patricia Morton
Dr. Ahlam Muhtaseb, California State University, San Bernardino
Maarten Muskens, Dutch Palestine Commitee
Nohad Nassif, Author of “Arab Humanist: The Necessity of Basic Income”
Judy Neunuebel
Marcy Newman
Henry Norr
Steve Overton
Halei Parker, Costume Designer
Caroline Phillips
Anand Pillay, University of Notre Dame, Mathematics. Indian classical music.
Sylvia Posadas
Elena Probst
Nataly Purinton
Raumene Rahatzad
Aneil Rallin, Scholar/Former Tenured Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Composition
Don Ray, Professor Emeritus in Political Science
Shirley Reynolds, Racine Coalition for Peace & Justice
Deirdre River
Stephen Roddy, professor of literature
Suzanne Ross, International Concerned Friends and Family of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Richard Rothschiller
Rohan Sabnis
Nasser Saeed
Zhaleh Sahand, Teacher
Steven Sallie, Truth and Justice like Mandela and Tutu
Skip Schiel, Teeksa Photography
Malini Schueller
Joan Sekler, Justice4Palestine
Rowland Selame, RAS Film Productions
Grace Severtson
Amin Shafie
Marya Shahriary
Niloofar Shambayati
Diane Shammas, scholar in Middle East North Africa/ SWANA studies
Anton Shammas
Dana Shawa
Issac Shihabi
Helen Sklar
Thomas Slater
Melinda Smith, Jewish Voice for Peace
Abdul-Aleem Somers
James Squire, JVP member
Stan Squires, Canada Palestine Association
Guy St Hilaire
Nancy Stein
Christopher Stone, Hunter College (CUNY)
Monica Styron, Cayuga-Syracuse PCUSA, Social Justice Committee
Mohammad Taha, Software Engineer
Trisha Terwilliger
Ian Thompson
Stephanie Trasoff
Paul Vangelisti
Jennifer Whitfield
Howard Winant
Peter and Peggy Yackel
Nancy Zakrzewski
John Zakrzewski, Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice
Alex Zukas
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