
Call for Campaigns to End Study Abroad Programs in or Exchanges with Israeli Universities

USACBI calls for campaigns at US colleges and universities to end study abroad programs in, or exchanges with, Israeli universities. Ending these programs is a particularly important component of boycotting Israeli universities, properly recognized as institutions that play a central role in the denial of freedom to Palestinians (see Maya Wind, Towers of Ivory and Steel: How Israeli Universities Deny Palestinian Freedom, 2024).

Importantly, the targeting of these academic exchanges with complicit Israeli universities is in accord with the call for BDS from the Palestinian Boycott National Committee (BNC) and Palestinian Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI).  In addition, the operation of these programs is in clear violation of most of the Codes of Ethics against discrimination upheld on US campuses.  Restricted access to Israel and participation in these programs on grounds of heritage and political opinion means that not all students and faculty can participate in these programs.

For more information and for support on pursuing an effective study abroad campaign at your institution, please email StopStudy@usacbi.org and we will get back to you.

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