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Support is needed for a European initiative. AURDIP, BRICUP”s French sister organisation, is convening a conference on academic boycott in Paris this coming September 25-6. The aim is to bring together the several organisations in Italy, Catalonia, Britain and France now in existence, to forge relations with smaller academic groups elsewhere in Europe, and to improve our coordination and effectiveness. Academics from Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden have already indicated their intention to participate.
Of course it is essential that PACBI should be directly involved in the conference. Three PACBI members, two already in Europe, one in Ramallah, have indicated their wish to attend. They will be able to stay with French supporters, but shortage of funds could make it difficult for them to make the trip. Current estimates suggest that about £600 is needed to defray their basic travel costs.
BRICUP itself operates on a shoe-string, and does not have the funds to support this expense. Can you help? We hope that individual supporters might be able to donate £20, but please don”t feel prevented from giving less (or more). We can”t be sure how much we will receive, or precisely how much the PACBI expenses will be. If there is a deficit BRICUP will have to stump up. If there is a surplus we guarantee to put it to good use.
If you wish to support this activity please either send a cheque to the Treasurer at BRICUP, BM BRICUP, London WC1N 3XX, UK
make a bank transfer to BRICUP at Sort Code
08-92-99 Account Number 65156591
IBAN = GB20 CPBK 0892 9965 1565 91
So that we know it is on the way it would help if you could drop a line to treasurer[at]bricup.org.uk.