West Bank, May 17, (Pal Telegraph) The boycott campaign that calls for boycotting the products of the settlements” factories, adopted by the Palestinians in the West Bank, caused the closure of at least seventeen factories since its start several months ago. For the Israelis, as reported by The Washington Post, Avi Alekiam, which represents owners of three hundred factories in the industrial settlement of Mishor Adumim Industrial West Bank, he said “the situation is unbearable.”
As for the Palestinians, also as reported by The Washington Post, it may be the strategic that they seek.
Its also noteworthy that this campaign has taken many international forms in many European countries where Palestinians and internationals boycott Israeli and other products showing their complete solidarity with the Palestinians.
The newspaper pointed out that the Palestinians had tried for more than forty years, to end the Israeli occupation through “Intifada” and negotiations, which lasted more than two decades, but to no avail and now Palestinians want to achieve success by working hard to make this campaign stronger and last for ever, which also comes as evidence that the campaign is based on peaceful protests, violence is not used, and it may bear fruit in the end. The emergence of this strategy came at a popular level, but has grown significantly due to the participation of the Palestinian leadership in it.