BDS Soldiarity in Catalan and Spanish

I am writing you on the behalf of the Commission of Catalan Universities for Palestine (CUNCAP). CUNCAP has been created on February 2009 in Barcelona with the aim to promote the academical boycott from the Catalan universities and research institutions. We follow the Palestinian international call from PACBI

The core working group is formed by persons related to the academic field (basically professors and researchers) and we count with the support of about 350 professors from the biggest three public universities in Barcelona, as well as the Israeli Professor Youssef Schwartz from Tel Aviv University who worked with us in Barcelona until recently that he has to move. Since February, we have been defining the main objectives of working on this boycott (based on previous initiatives, as the BRICUP in UK) and organizing some activities to let people know about this new working group in Catalonia. For more information: (by the moment, it is just in Catalan and Spanish language).

We have recently got a small victory on the academical struggle. The Spanish Government has decided to exclude the “University Center Ariel in Samaria” (which is not even a university) from a university competition that will take place in Madrid next year.
For more information:
And the blog we have created for the campaign:

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