
Coupon for Cashiers: Don’t Stock Israeli Products!

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June 20th Trader Joe”s kick off actions in Oakland, S.F. & Sacramento a big success!

Bay Area organizers…

“¢ Sent a letter to TJ’s Headquarters informing them of the International Boycott against Israeli products & requesting Israeli product removal. A letter was delivered to a local store where group members were told managers make buying decisions for their stores

“¢ Headquarters did not respond and Israeli products remained on shelves

“¢ Next, 2 groups of over 20 met at Oakland & S.F. TJ’s. All wore shirts reading “Don”t Buy Into Apartheid, Boycott Israeli Goods.” The groups split up into leafletters, deshelvers and those who spoke with management. The groups gave out lit with coupons for customers to give cashiers asking the store to deshelve. Products were left in stickered mounds in carts around the store.

“¢ 100″s of products stickered, 100’s of leaflets given out, 100″s individual & organizations endorsed

All the materials used are on this site!

Keep us posted and good luck with your actions!

Our flyer had a coupon (above) on the front that shoppers can give to cashiers as they check out. we decided to make sheet of coupons so we can be ready to register dissent as whenever we shop.

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