Jethro Tull to play Israel & its statement endorses Israeli propaganda

Jethro Tull WILL play Israel and now added a third gig!

Jethro Tull’s statement makes them worse than Elton John. They went further and actively appease war criminals and endorse war crimes.

Their portrayal of Israel as the victim of bombing gives it cover and would enable Israel to continue with the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. The next Israeli attack on Gaza is in the name of Jethro Tull. We will remember Jethro Tull’s joining the Israeli propaganda, when Israel burn alive and maim more Palestinian children.

Jethro Tull’s statement reads like an Israeli propaganda written by it. Not a word about the slaughter of Gaza by Israel. Not mentioned the siege of Gaza. In passing mentioning the flotilla, without any ref to the Israeli military massacre of the unarmed civilians. The only people to be bombed, according to Jethro Tull are the Israelis. It is an endorsement of the Israeli lies.

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