Open Letter from Boykot Israel Denmark

Boykot Israel Denmark claims:

No to Israel”s membership of the OECD

– Membership of OECD would reward Israel for its crimes of war

Israel”s application for membership of the OECD (the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) will be decided on the meeting of OECD in May. The decision requires unanimity.

During the negotiations with Israel on membership, the OECD has focused on the economic and social conditions existing in Israel. But the question of Israel”s membership of the OECD is deeply political.

If OECD grants membership to Israel, this would mean rewarding Israel for its massacres in Gaza last year and rewarding Israel for its continued violations of human rights and international law. Granting membership to Israel would mean accepting Israel”s occupation of Palestinian and Syrian land and accepting Israel”s apartheid policy towards the non-Jewish population of the country. There exist at least thirty Israeli laws which stipulate discrimination between Jews and non-Jews.

OECD is an organization for economic cooperation and trade between the rich countries of the world. OECD was founded in 1961 and has its headquarters in Paris. The supreme organ of OECD it the Council of Ministers to which every country sends a representative.

The international boycott campaign BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions – calls for international protests against Israeli membership of OECD. Boykot Israel Denmark joins this protest movement.

We claim that the Danish representative in the OECD

on the meeting in May votes NO to Israel”s membership of the OECD.

No to Israel”s Membership of the OECD
Boycott Israel – Stop the Occupation

In Danish:

Boykot Israel Danmark

í…bent Brev fra Boykot Israel den 17. april 2010

Boykot Israel krí¦ver:

Stop Israels optagelse i OECD

– En optagelse i OECD vil ví¦re en blí¥stempling af Israels krigsforbrydelser

Israels ansí¸gning om optagelse i OECD (the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) afgí¸res pí¥ OECD”s mí¸de i maj mí¥ned. Beslutningen krí¦ver enstemmighed.

I optagelsesforhandlingerne med Israel har OECD ensidigt fokuseret pí¥ Israels í¸konomiske og sociale situation. Men spí¸rgsmí¥let om optagelse er dybt politisk.

En optagelse af Israel i OECD vil ví¦re en belí¸nning for Israels massakrer i Gaza sidste í¥r og for Israels kontinuerlige krí¦nkelse af international lov og menneskerettigheder. Hvis OECD accepterer Israel, accepterer de Israels besí¦ttelse af de palí¦stinensiske og syriske omrí¥der. En optagelse af Israel betyder OECD”s accept af den apartheid som Israel udí¸ver i form af privilegier til landets jí¸der og diskrimination af landets ikke-jí¸der. Der findes mindst 30 love der stadfí¦ster forskelsbehandling mellem jí¸der og ikke-jí¸der i staten Israel.

OECD er et organ for samarbejde og samhandel mellem verdens rige lande. OECD blev oprettet i 1961 og har hovedsí¦de i Paris. í˜verste myndighed er Ministerrí¥det hvortil hvert land sender en reprí¦sentant.

Den internationale boykotkampagne BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions – opfordrer til internationale protester mod Israels optagelse i OECD. Boykot Israel Danmark tilslutter sig denne protestbeví¦gelse.

Vi krí¦ver at Danmarks reprí¦sentant i OECD

pí¥ mí¸det i maj stemmer NEJ til Israels optagelse i OECD.

Boykot Israel – Stop besí¦ttelsen

Sendt til/Sent to:

– den danske og internationale presse

– Det danske udenrigsministerium (Foreign Ministry)

– Det danske statsministerium (Prime Ministry Department)

– Folketingets partier (the parties of the Parliament)

– OECD Paris

– Den israelske ambassade Danmark

(The thirty members of OECD are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States)

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