Georgetown erases FAQs about ethical investing from Investment Office website

Posted by: Molly Redden in News, Vox Populi

Georgetown University has deleted two passages from its Investment Office”s “Frequently Asked Questions” page that explained how social responsibility and Georgetown”s Jesuit identity impacts its investment decisions.

The move may have been a result of discussions between members of Georgetown”s Investment Office and students from Georgetown, Divest!, the group that is pressuring Georgetown to divest from companies that profit from the Israeli presence in Palestine and human rights abuses in the region.

Vox is still working to determine whether or not the deletion was a result of their Friday meeting, where members of Divest! cited the two questions and answers as reasons to take their demands seriously. However, in that meeting, according to their press release, Senior Vice President for Strategic Development Daniel Porterfield “described this language as outdated and not in line with how the University”s processes function today.”

Here is the deleted text:

“What is Georgetown”s policy with regard to socially responsible investing?

Georgetown is strongly committed to investing in a socially responsible manner. To that end, the university Faculty Senate appoints members to the Committee on Investments and Social Responsibility, which is charged with reviewing all shareholder proposals on social responsibility. The Committee is comprised of ten people who form a broad representation of the university community, including members of the faculty, staff, student body, and Office of Campus Ministry.

“How does Georgetown”s Jesuit identity impact its investment decisions?

The Committee on Investments and Social Responsibility, which includes one representative from the Office of Campus Ministry, takes Georgetown”s Jesuit identity into account when making decisions regarding shareholder proposals. Perhaps one of the greatest strengths of the university”s Jesuit heritage is its firm belief in the importance of the freedom of intellectual thought and diversity of opinion.”

You can view an HTML copy made of the page by Georgetown, Divest! on April 9, the day of the meeting, here.

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